Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It seems the latest car fashion is to affix a bumper sticker with various religious symbols managing to spell out the word "COEXIST." There are a lot of things that disturb me about this trend. I will start with the least of my worries and move to the stuff that is just driving me nuts.

It appears that these bumper stickers and their owners are taking a shot across the bow of organized religion. I do not have a problem with that. I can only speak for Christianity, but religion could use a good shake up because they have become to fastened to rules that are not explicitly spelled out while forgetting the two major rules that are: Love God, Love your neighbor. But here is my problem: These people seem to suggest that people of faith are failing to get along. I don't see the average Christian punching a Muslim while waiting in line for a movie, or a Jew keying a car that has a Jesus fish on it, or Buddhist running a cattle farm next to a Hindu temple. Don't get me wrong, I am well enlightened to the problems in the Middle East, Islamo-Fascists, wackos (I refuse to associate these pricks as Christians) protesting military funerals and other things organized religion is doing to hurt people. However, unless you want to take your little Toyota Prius and drive it around Saudi Arabia, Israel/Palestine, or Kansas, your peaceful protest is doing jack squat.

But I think the real thing that bothers me is the self-righteous hypocrisy of it all. A good percentage of these well-to-do folks seem to have other items plastered to their car that do not indicate they are willing to co-exist. I have seen so many cars with the COEXIST sticker and a Darwin fish. A daggum Darwin Fish! What is wrong with that? Well first, I admittedly think Darwin's theory has been shown to come short and should still be considered theory instead of fact (just to let you know my perspective). I think the people who have them are wrong but entitled to their beliefs just like people of every faith are. However, the Darwin fish is deliberately antagonistic. It basically is a mockery of the Jesus fish, a known Christian symbol. Now I am not one who is offended by many things or even this particular issue. I just think it is retarded to tell others to COEXIST while you are essentially deliberately giving the middle finger to Christianity specifically as well as a belief in creationism, a view widely held by many of the same religions you are telling to get along.

Other ridiculous items I have seen on the same cars as COEXIST: bumper stickers suggesting meat eaters should be confined, tortured, and shot; stickers calling for the death, yes death, of President Bush; support for Hamas - a known terrorist group openly bent on the destruction of the Jews; and a bumper sticker saying "Now that I'm born, I'm pro-choice" (I disagree with the statement but it is clever).

All I am saying is that if you are going to suggest or demand that religions get along, even though you most likely have not a taken a good look at why they theological disagree, you should at least represent yourself as one who is willing to get along with other people instead of trying to antagonize them with your other hateful, although not religious, messages.

EDIT: I understand this might come across as a bit harsh and it does not help that tone is difficult to convey in print. However, I assure you that I am not upset and would not attempt to scratch one of these silly bumper stickers off. But if you stop and think about it, you certainly have to chuckle at the irony of it all.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Updated Status

So much has happened since my previous post. I fully intended to post something by the end of the year and then forgot how hectic the Christmas season can be. Since last posting, I moved out of my apartment after living there for about two-and-a-half years. Our lease ended and my roommate decided he had never lived by himself and wanted the opportunity to. Don't worry we are still great friends and may end up living together towards the end of the year. In January I moved in with this guy and it turned out to be a real hassle. It was apparent from the get go that he was not as prepared as he thought to have a roommate and after three weeks he finally disclosed this and asked me to leave. I will be out by the end of this month although as of today, I am not 100-percent where (although I have some promising leads). I think it will be for the best because I have never had a roommate who was so ignorant to his own selfishness. I don't hate the guy, he is just young and a product of his immaturity which I am confident he will grow out of, as most people do, and will develop into a great guy. I just caught him at a bad time and at this point and I am not going to extend myself to be cordial after the hassle he has created in my life at a time when I have been in great need of rest.
I am very anxious to move on in life and am having trouble being patient. I want to buy a house that I can be responsible for and do home repairs, I want to get a dog for companionship and to keep me entertained, and I would like to meet my wife (admittedly for the same reason as the dog but on a much deeper level haha). God is constantly shining insight into my life and I am struggling to keep up with all he is trying to teach me about myself, His love and grace, and what He is trying to use me for.
On another note, and the reason for my last teaser: I finally got a Counseling job! I am still working at my old job (though I was promoted to a much better position in September) but I hope to make a full transition into Counseling and teaching by the end of the year. I am working to build my clientel base but it is slow going. By the way you can find my new Counseling Center here.
Also, while I will intermingle personal tidbits on here from time to time, I want to get back to my original purpose for this blog and that is to share thoughts and discussions. So please feel free to interact with responses and ideas. Hope to here from y'all soon.